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Headmaster's Welcome

Headmaster's News - 4th September 2015

Sep 4, 2015

4 September 2015

Dear Parents


Welcome back everyone! I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and have managed to spend some quality time with your families. The children have all been very excited this week: full of news from their holidays and excitement about the new term.


We welcome new families

I would like to offer a very warm welcome to all our new starters and families. We are delighted to invite you to our Parents’ Coffee Morning on Friday 18th September.

Nursery: Samira, Esme, Sara, Scarlett, Sienna, Violet, Henry, Zoya, Emily, Eva, Nathan and Melissa

Pre-School: Lola

Reception: Anoush, Evie, Yusuf, William, Joshua and Taylor

Year 1: Danial      Year 2: Hashbala   Year 3: Francesca and Yawar             Year 4: Elizabeth

Year 5: Oliver, Mohamed and Aqil.


We welcome new staff

A warm welcome also to Mr Sheppeck, our new Deputy Head and Year 4 teacher; Miss McShane our new Coordinator of PE and Games, Mrs Leigh our new Bursar, Miss Elstone, Miss Smart and Miss Winder our new Nursery Nurses.

Mrs Hewins has now taken on the role of Director of Studies with the main responsibility of continuity of practice across the school.


We welcome a new Head Boy and Head Girl

I would like to congratulate Angi and Matthew who have been chosen to be our Head Girl and Head Boy for this academic year.


Sports’ Captains

Manahil has been chosen as Girls’ Sports’ Captain for the year and Harry is our Captain of football.


25 Years at Highfield!

Miss Macklam received a very special award on Wednesday, in Assembly, for 25 years’ service to the school. I would like to thank her on behalf of the whole Highfield community for all her hard work and her incredible commitment to Highfield Priory School.


All-Weather Pitch

The building of the new all-weather pitch is well underway and we hope to have full access to it later this term. Thank you to all parents who are parking off the school site and are walking up to school to drop off or collect your children. This has relieved pressure on the car park. Once the all-weather pitch has been completed, there will be more places created on the playing field.


Child Safety

Your child’s safety is of paramount importance to us and we are continually looking at ways to improve the security of the school. Not all staff know all of our parents in the school and they are required to challenge unknown adults on the school premises. It would be very helpful if all parents could vacate the corridors as soon as you have dropped off your children. If you need to have a conversation with another parent, could you please have it in the playground or in our dining room. Thank you for your cooperation.


Changes to Assessment at Highfield (Year 1- Year 6)

Assessment is changing this year at Highfield to link in with the changes made by the Department of Education at the end of the last academic year. This is explained on the attached sheet and will be explained in more detail at your child’s curriculum evening.


Curriculum Evening Dates for the Diary: all begin at 6.30pm

Y3 – 7 September

Y1 – 8 September

Y4 – 10 September

Y5 – 15 September

This will give you a chance to find out what your child is studying this year and meet their new teacher.


Lost Property

We have a lot of uniform and games kit left over from last term. This will be on display in the Sports Hall after school next week. Please could you make sure all items of clothing are clearly named.


Thought for the Week

Today is another valuable opportunity; not to alter the past, but to help shape the future.


Yours sincerely


J M Duke


Highfield Priory School

Building Strength and Individuality

The latest from Highfield Priory

The Reception children had a wonderful time visiting Smithhills farm this week! 🐄 🐖 🐑

During the visit they were able to feed the animals, watch the cows being milked, hold chicks and rabbits, stroke owls, ponies and alpacas, and even take a ride on the tractor and trailer to feed the donkeys. 🚜 🚜

The children behaved brilliantly and there were a few sleepy heads on the way home after a very busy and fun day. 😴 😄 Well done Reception, a fantastic day out!Photos from Highfield Priory School's post
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2 days ago

Year 6 have been exploring the world of AI and the part it plays in the modern world during ICT this term. 💻

The class discussed the current uses of this new but rapidly evolving technology and, perhaps more importantly, how it should be used to further help the world in the future.

It was great to hear the class' ideas on how AI could help us with medical science and education. As part of the lesson, the children charted the timeline of AI and where it all began with Alan Turing in the 1940s!Photos from Highfield Priory School's post
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