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Headmaster's Welcome

Headmaster's News, Friday 22nd May, 2020

May 22, 2020

Friday 22nd May, 2020

Dear Parents,

Congratulations to all our children for a very impressive half term of working from home and on-line. You have adapted incredibly well and the standard of your work and your technical skills have improved week on week. It was lovely to share examples of this half term’s work with you all in the assembly on Thursday. I have highlighted below the work discussed in the assembly and attached the power point, however, the live feed can be found on you tube.

Out and About this Half Term

In Reception
After listening to the story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’, the children had to choose some fruit to put in a bowl and then write some sentences about their fruit using describing words. The children drew some superb pictures and the standard of their written work was excellent for children preparing for Year One.

Year 1
In Design and Technology, the children have been drawing slider mechanisms as part of their moving pictures topic. I was impressed by their creativity and the thought that had been put into each mechanism. The children have also drawn monsters and completed excellent descriptions of their character in creative writing.

Year 2
In Science, the children have been studying minibeasts and learning lots of interesting facts about them. In Assembly, we saw a fact mobile all about arachnids.

Year 3
3M has been working on a piece of creative writing to do with VE day. The pupils had to create a newspaper article. The aim was to write the article about the celebrations that will be happening at the end of lockdown, just as people celebrated with street parties at the end of the war.

Year 4
Year 4 has been creating a Newsround for children. Their first task was to give children advice about dealing with the coronavirus and lockdown. I also watched fantastic historical accounts about the end of the Second World War as they worked on their second news item about VE day. I enjoyed their live reports about the VE Day celebrations on their own streets on May 8th.

Year 5
The pupils in Year 5 have written 'Lockdown' poems like this one:
Late afternoons started to tier away,
Old friends you are missing every day,
Caring for the wonderful key workers and the hard-working NHS,
Keeping busy with a cycle ride all the way to Deepdale and back home,
Developing my skills with canvas painting,
Obstacles are stressful for everyone,
With all the help from the key workers - thank you!
NHS are always trying their best!

Year 6
6P has been studying the Natural Wonders of the World. They produced poems in response to their lesson on Volcanos.

Vile, lustrous lava oozing out of the dreaded hole
Ominous fluid, escaping out of this monstrous structure
Lackadaisical people scurrying out of the area to save themselves
Crisp black, smoke surrounds the beast
Abysmal lava pours down like an insane downpour and floods the area around it
No-one can block out the sound of the uproar of the rackety spurts of lava shooting out
Oh no! It’s a volcano!

Merit Winners
RB Mohamad
1D Thomas
1W Alfie
2E Aidan
2J Drew
3M Georgia
4D Joseph
4S Bethan
5H Amritha
5M Sara
6P Edie

School Starts to Re-Open: 8th June
Our Nursery and School will begin the process of re-opening by inviting Early Years, Year 1 and Year 6 into school on Monday 8th June.

We are continuing to prepare for the re-opening of school on 8th June. We will be following government guidelines which emphasise keeping the children in pods/groups, restricting movement around school, having separate play areas and limiting shared resources. Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will be taught within their year groups.
We will maintain a high level of hygiene including regular hand washing and regular and thorough cleaning of the areas and resources being used. We are also planning to have lunches (with a reduced menu) with staggered eating times. We will publish further details which will include pick-up and drop-off times at a later date. These will be staggered slightly but will not differ greatly from their usual times. There will be no activities after school but we are planning to run an extended care facility.

Eid Mubarak to all our families who are celebrating Eid this weekend. Although your celebrations will be smaller, we hope you are able to enjoy this happy event with your family. Make sure you all have a really good rest during the half-term holidays. I look forward to catching-up with you all on Monday, 8th June.

School will not be open on Bank Holiday Monday, 25th May.

Happy Half-Term!

Yours sincerely

J M Duke


Highfield Priory School

Building Strength and Individuality

The latest from Highfield Priory

The Reception children had a wonderful time visiting Smithhills farm this week! 🐄 🐖 🐑

During the visit they were able to feed the animals, watch the cows being milked, hold chicks and rabbits, stroke owls, ponies and alpacas, and even take a ride on the tractor and trailer to feed the donkeys. 🚜 🚜

The children behaved brilliantly and there were a few sleepy heads on the way home after a very busy and fun day. 😴 😄 Well done Reception, a fantastic day out!Photos from Highfield Priory School's post
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