The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.

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Headmaster's Welcome

Headmaster's News, Friday 15th September, 2023

Sep 15, 2023

15th September 2023


Dear Parents


Welcome Back!

It has been a very busy and successful start to the new school year. It was lovely to welcome all the children back to school last Tuesday, catch up with all their news and chat about what they are looking forward to in the year ahead.

The playground has been buzzing with excitement, friendship, smiles and laughter. A joy to behold!


News from the Nursery

Our Nursery has had a great start to the Autumn Term! In forest school, we have made music sticks, bug houses and a sunflower mud kitchen, as well as feeding the birds and testing our ideas for making waterways. We have also enjoyed Makaton, visiting the library, dance with Miss Burns, colours and counting and lots of messy play!


News from the Reception

The reception children have settled in really well and are enjoying exploring their new classroom. They love talking to Mr Pirate and can’t wait to finish their sticker charts so they can dip in the treasure bag for a golden coin! Well done, Reception, a great start and Mrs Bennett is really proud of you!


Curriculum Evenings

I hope you have all found your curriculum evenings helpful and informative. If you have any further questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher at the end of the day or email the School Office. Your next opportunity to speak to teachers more formally will be at our Parents Evening on Thursday 19th October which is for parents from Reception through to Year 6.



Please could you make sure that your child is wearing the correct uniform and that it is all clearly named. It is highly likely that belongings will be mislaid over the course of the year, and we want to get it back to you as quickly as possible. We will be carrying out uniform checks this term so please do take the time to read our uniform list and remember to name each item. Thank you for your support.


Composer and Artist of the Term

Rembrandt is our Artist of the Term and Joseph Haydn is our Composer of the Term. They will be discussed and celebrated in class and assembly. It would be lovely if you could support this from home too.


School and Nursery Inspection

Our School and Nursery will be inspected this academic year and it is likely to take place in this term. The school will be notified on a Monday and inspectors will arrive in school the following day. I will notify parents via ParentMail as soon as we get the call. Parents will be requested by the Inspection Team to take part in a survey with just a few days in which to complete it online. It is really important that all parents fill in this survey to allow the inspectors to get a clear and balanced picture of the whole school. We will set up some laptops in the dining hall so that you can pop in and complete it before/after drop-off/pick-up if that is easier for you. Thank you for your continued support.


Nursery Rebuild

The plans for the new build were submitted during the holidays and we hope that planning permission will be granted this term so that the build can start in the Spring Term. We will share the plans with you as soon as we hear back from the council.


School Survey

Thank you to all the parents who completed our school survey last year. The school’s Senior Management Team and our Governors will be examining the results this term and using the information to inform future school developments and improvements.


Staff News

We would like to give a warm welcome to Miss Fenton (PA to the Headmaster), Miss Crowley (Apprentice in Pre-School), Miss Bentley (Teaching Assistant for Y3 and Y4) and Miss Scott (Early Years Practitioner in Nursery) to Highfield.

We would also like to welcome back Mrs Burrows who is returning to school as one of our Deputy Nursery Managers. Mrs Smithson is also now a Deputy Nursery Manager.

Miss Catherall has now moved into Year 1, who are delighted to have her support.

Our Nursery class would like to say a huge thank you and good luck to Miss Greer who has left to undertake a Deputy position elsewhere. We also wish the best to Ms Cowburn who left during the holidays to start a new role. I would like to thank her on behalf of us all for her nine years of service to the school and we wish her the best of luck in her new position.


Swimming Times (Years 3-6)

If your child attends swimming lessons or a swimming club and can comfortably swim 25m without stopping to hold onto the side or putting their feet down, please send in the swimming times for any stroke they can carry out with confidence.


Classes for September

Reception        Mrs Bennett

1W                   Mrs Wilson (Mrs Martindale will be responsible for the class on a Friday)

2E                    Ms Eccles

3D                   Mr Drake

4J                    Mrs Jones

5A                    Mrs Morrice

5M                   Miss Macklam (Mrs Street will be responsible for the class on a Monday)

6H                   Mrs Haythornthwaite (Mrs Davidson will be responsible for the class on a Friday)

6P                    Mrs Prince


Merit Awards 8.9.23

RB: Henry       1W: Clara                    2E: Olivia                    3D: Riaan

4J: Aadam      5A: Yaseen                 5M: Sarah                   6H: Scarlett

6P: Eloise


Merit Awards 15.9.23

RB: William     1W: Heba        2E: Vivaan                  3D: Emily

4J: Chad         5A: Isla            5M: Muhammad         6H: Aamir       

6P: Haniyah


Yours sincerely


J M Duke




Highfield Priory School

Building Strength and Individuality

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