The Sunday Times Top 100 Independent Prep Schools in England: Fifth equal in England and First in the North West.

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Headmaster's Welcome

Headmaster's News, Friday 24th November, 2023

Dec 6, 2023

M and M Productions Beauty and the Beast

The children were very excited about the return of M and M Productions and their performance of ‘Beauty and the Beast’. The children loved the interactive show - singing, dancing and answering questions - some of the teachers even got up to dance! The special effects and lighting created a magical show. The children were singing the songs and recounting their favourite parts to each other throughout the day. Thank you to M and M Productions and to Mrs Jones for organising their visit.


Children in Need

A big thank you to all our children, parents and staff for supporting Children in Need (at home and overseas). It was wonderful to see everyone dressed up in their imaginative outfits. The school was filled with colour and fun all day!


3D’s Trip to the Spitfire Visitor Centre: Hangar 42

This week, 3D embarked on a time-travelling adventure back to the 1940s for a WW2 themed school trip. We went to visit Hangar 42 in Blackpool, which is an incredible Spitfire and WW2 museum. We learnt about how the war started and the main battles which took place all over Europe, as well as how children were evacuated all over the UK and to Africa for safety! We also learnt about secret codes during the war and the huge fight back from the Battle of Britain and D-Day. One of the highlights for all of us was the chance to sit in the cockpit of a Spitfire and have a go at flying using the computer simulators! It is safe to say, the skies over the White Cliffs of Dover saw some unusual and hilarious flying displays from our Year 3 pupils. It was a fantastic trip, filled with exciting facts, and it left us all with beaming smiles on our faces. Thank you to Hangar 42 Blackpool for this incredible opportunity. 


Music Assembly

Last Friday, we had our first Musical Assembly of the year. It was a wonderful morning for the children where they could showcase their musical talent on a range of instruments. There were beautiful pieces played on the piano and flute, as well as impressive pieces on brass instruments and the guitar. For some of our musicians, this was their first performance, although with their stage presence, you couldn’t tell! We look forward to more Musical Assemblies this year with the support of our talented peripatetic music teachers. Thank you to all our musicians for a wonderful morning’s entertainment.


Winter Fayre

Thank you to the PTA and all the parents and teachers who worked hard to make sure our Winter Fayre was magical. The children had lots of fun and you could hear the laughter from the car park! Thank you also to all the parents who donated prizes. It was a great start to the weekend.


National ISA Swimming Gala

Good luck to Shomi who is competing in the National ISA Swimming Gala which takes place in London at the Olympic Pool. Shomi is representing the North of England ISA team in the Freestyle Relay race. Good luck from everyone at Highfield, Shomi!



Well done to all the Year 4 girls who played 2 netball matches last week against SMH and Rossall School. The girls are learning so much from these matches and you can already see huge development from the start of the year. Keep up the hard work! Also, well done to the Year 5 girls who played a very thrilling match against Rossall on Wednesday. The match was end-to-end excitement, with Highfield creating some great movement and positive play. The whole team didn’t give up and always had a smile on their faces with the match finishing nil-nil.



Well done to our team of cross-country runners who took part in the SMH Cross-Country Championships last week. Our team did extremely well, enduring a range of weather including sun, rain and wind! Lily came 21st out of over 50 runners and Ahmad in Year 5 came 27th out of 80 runners. Well done to all the children who took part in this event. We look forward to the ISA event in February next year.


Football v Rossall School

All the boys in Year 4 and a group of Year 5 boys travelled to Rossall last week to play football. We played three games and it was great to see so many boys in action across a full-sized astroturf pitch. All the boys acquitted themselves beautifully, playing well as a team and improving as each match progressed. It was really good to see the boys putting into practice the skills and techniques they had learnt in training. All the boys enjoyed a well-deserved drink and biscuit after the game.


Football v AKS

All Year 6 boys and a group of Year 5 boys travelled to Scarisbrick Hall School on Wednesday to play football. It was our first fixture on grass and the conditions were very wet. It took time for the boys to get used to the conditions and the slower pace on grass but they fought hard, displaying excellent character and resilience. Although we lost both games, the boys really impressed us with their work-rate and attitude. They never gave up and battled to the end, well done!



Two of our Governors, Mr Wood and Mr Ilsley, have stepped down as Governors after 8 years of service and 5 years of service respectively. Mr Wood has been the Chair of our Education Committee and supported the school through three Inspections; and Mr Ilsley has been on the Finance and General Purpose committees and has supported us with all the building projects and maintenance of the school. He will continue to support the school on the Nursery build until it has been completed. I would like to thank them both, on behalf of the whole school community, for all their hard work and commitment to Highfield. The Governing Body has been gradually recruiting Governors over the last twelve months and we now have a very strong team with an excellent range of expertise. A full list of the Governors will be published when the final appointments have been completed. I would like to thank all the Governors for giving up their time and expertise to support the school. The Governance of Highfield is a real strength of the school, establishing excellent foundations upon which all our children can succeed.


Merit Awards 10.11.23

RB: Rory                     1W: Finlay                   2E: Freya                                3D: Poppy

4J: Mohini                   5A: Lilia                       5M: Yousef                              6H: Lily

6P: Melissa


Merit Awards 24.11.23

RB: Kate                     1W: Larissa                 2E: Martha                              3D: Dhyaan

4J: Lailah                     5A: Eliza                      5M: Zarlala                              6H: Toby

6P: Anoushka


Yours sincerely


J M Duke



Highfield Priory School

Building Strength and Individuality

The latest from Highfield Priory

The children have been having a great time at the Highfield Holiday Club! ☀️ ☀️

Enjoying the warm summer sun, they kept cool by enjoying ice lollies and playing in the paddling pool. 🙂 🙂Photos from Highfield Priory School's post
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2 days ago

We held a fantastic Highfield Bake-Off last week to raise money for our school charity Make-A-Wish UK. 🧁 🍰 🎂

There were so many amazing cakes submitted by our pupils and families and you can enjoy some video highlights of them here.

Overall, we raised £456 for the charity - a fantastic effort and a big thanks to the whole Highfield community! 🙂 🙂

Highfield Priory - Bake-Off Cake Sale - July 2024
Highfield Priory - Bake-Off Cake Sale - July 2024
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3 days ago

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